Test your knowledge of blockchain topics
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January 26, 2021
Blockchain is seeping into many different corners of the technology realm. How well do you understand the basics?

Blockchain, or block chain, is a collection of records designed to be immutable (think of a ledger) and it provides the framework/foundation for such things as virtual currencies. An article in Harvard Business Review described blockchain as "an open, distributed ledger that can record transactions between two parties efficiently and in a verifiable and permanent way."

As this technology becomes both more widely used, and used for a greater variety of purposes, topics related to it are finding their way onto networking-related certification exams. How much to you know about blockchain and how well can you answer questions on the basics of this new and fast-evolving technology?

What follows is a self-test of 25 questions based on general concepts and topics related to blockchain. In all cases, pick the best answer(s) to each question. The answers appear at the end of the questions. Good luck!

1. If a blockchain transaction was recorded in error, how is it changed?
A. A new transaction must be created to reverse the error overwrite the original transaction
B. A new transaction must be created to reverse the error and the original transaction is marked as hidden
C. A new transaction must be created to reverse the error and both transactions remain visible
D. The old transaction must be deleted and then a new transaction must be created to reverse the error

2. In order to keep a peer from transmitting and posting false transactions (and undermining blockchain's reliability), what form of fault tolerance is used?
A. Forthright
B. Byzantine

3. Which of the following is a blockchain role responsible for managing and monitoring the blockchain network?
A. Doyen
B. Specialist
C. Operator
D. Authority

4. What is the relationship between blockchain and Bitcoin?
A. The two are synonymous.
B. Blockchain is the shared ledger Bitcoin is built on.
C. Bitcoin stores the transactions from blockchain.
D. Bitcoin must be used to pay blockchain fees.

5. Which of the following is a designation used for a blockchain ledger running in parallel to a primary blockchain?
A. Siding
B. Sidetrack
C. Sidehussle
D. Sidechain

6. What is the first block of a blockchain known as?
A. Footer block
B. Source block
C. Genesis block
D. Underpinning block

7. Each blockchain block contains what element of the previous block?
A. Timestamp
B. Publisher and subscriber descriptives
C. PTR record
D. Cryptographic hash

8. Blockchain-based contracts that can be partially or fully executed/enforced without human interaction are known as?
A. Mercurial contracts
B. Smart contracts
C. Acquiescent contracts
D. Tractable contracts

9. Blocks that exist outside of the main chain � due to a nonexistent parent block or other reason�� are known as stale blocks or:
A. Orphan blocks
B. Outcast blocks
C. Stray blocks
D. Abandoned blocks

10. Which type of data structure is used with blockchain?
A. Dancing tree
B. Merkle tree
C. Radix tree
D. Skew heap

11. The average time it takes for the network to generate one extra block in the blockchain is known as which of the following?
A. Dormancy
B. Latency
C. Block time
D. Articulation

12. With peer-to-peer replication, each participant is known as a:
A. Intersection
B. Node
C. Nodule
D. Projection

13. Which of the following is a blockchain role responsible for the architecture and design of the blockchain solution?
A. Machinist
B. Engineer
C. Architect
D. Originator

14. Which technology is used in conjunction with blockchain to ensure consistency in the ledger and to prevent exploitation of weaknesses such as double spending?
A. BR549

15. Blockchain uses public key cryptography, which is also known as:
A. Symmetric
B. Asymmetric
C. Commensurable
D. Uniform

Please visit GoCertify to attempt the remaining 10 questions of this quiz.


1. C — If there is an error in any blockchain transaction, a new transaction must be created to reverse the error and both transactions remain visible.
2. B — Practical Byzantine fault tolerance (PBFT) is used in order to keep a peer from transmitting and posting false transactions.
3. C — An operator is a blockchain role responsible for managing and monitoring the blockchain network.
4. B — Blockchain is the shared ledger Bitcoin is built on.
5. D — Sidechain is a designation used for a blockchain ledger running in parallel to a primary blockchain.
6. C — The first block of a blockchain known as the genesis block.
7. D — Each blockchain block contains a cryptographic hash of the previous block.
8. B — Blockchain-based contracts that can be partially or fully executed/enforced without human interaction are known as smart contracts.
9. A — Blocks that exist outside of the main chain are known as stale blocks or orphan blocks.
10. B — Blockchain uses a Merkle tree type of data structure.
11. C — The average time it takes for the network to generate one extra block in the blockchain is known as block time.
12. B — With peer-to-peer replication, each participant is known as a node.
13. C — In blockchain, the architect is responsible for the architecture and design of the blockchain solution.
14. D — MVCC (multiversion concurrency control) is used in conjunction with blockchain to ensure consistency in the ledger.
15. B — Blockchain uses public key cryptography which is also known as asymmetric.

About the Author

Certification Magazine was launched in 1999 and remained in print until mid-2008. Publication was restarted on a quarterly basis in February 2014. Subscribe to CertMag here.

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