Salary Survey Extra: Amazon gift card recipients
Posted on
December 5, 2019

Salary Survey Extra is a series of periodic dispatches that give added insight into the findings of our most recent Salary Survey. These posts contain previously unpublished Salary Survey data.

Did you take the 2020 Salary Survey? It's time to announce the names of our 15 randomly chosen gift card winners!

So we tried something new with the Salary Survey last year. To encourage participation in the survey — and also make a gesture that represents the gratitude we feel toward everyone who does, in fact, participate — we introduced a modest incentive. Take the survey, all the way to the end, and you could get a $50 Amazon gift card.

Last year, we gave out $50 Amazon gift cards to 10 randomly chosen individuals who took and completed the survey. This year, we decided to up the ante, just a smidge: We're giving out $50 Amazon gift card to 15 randomly chosen individuals who took and completed the survey.

It's not necessarily difficult to complete an online survey, but it does take time and patience. We know that the survey isn't perfect, and that it can feel cold and impersonal. We tweak things every year in our ongoing quest to provide a better experience. In the end, however, all we can really do is set the table and pass out invitations. We can't control whether anyone actually comes to dinner.

So it's always a relief when the responses start to trickle in, then pour in, and maybe even flood in for at least a couple of weeks somewhere in the middle. We really appreciate everyone who contributes. We'd give you all a $50 Amazon gift card if we could.

Each of our 15 winners will be contacted with the option to receive their gift card redeemable either directly via or via one of its international storefronts. Without further ado, our 15 randomly chosen Amazon gift card recipents are:

Kelsey Williamson (United States)
Derrick Bourgeois (United States)
Rink Geervliet (Netherlands)
Ghanshyam Thumar (India)
Elia Ebadi (Austria)
Shannon Wyatt (United States)
Karel Adámek (Czech Republic)
Rita Kobusinge (Uganda)
Dulip Fernandez (Sri Lanka)
Micaiah Kaseke (Zimbabwe)
Faisal Ahmad (United States)
Chan Chee Kin (Malaysia)
Claire Greathead (United Kingdom)
Shahab Zarpak (United States)
Mohd Imad (Australia)

Thanks again to everyone who participated! We sincerely hope to work with you again on next year's Salary Survey.

About the Author

Certification Magazine was launched in 1999 and remained in print until mid-2008. Publication was restarted on a quarterly basis in February 2014. Subscribe to CertMag here.

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