LI IT ad recap: Tom Brady is MVP of both game and tech commercials
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February 7, 2017
Do you watch for the game, or for the commercials?

We don't tend to get very excited about professional football around these parts, but even your tech-centric Certification Magazine team watches the Super Bowl. To see all of the commercials, of course. Yes, we tuned in for Super Bowl LI on Sunday night.

Interestingly enough, the star player of the game — which was only one of the most astonishing comeback wins in NFL history — was also the star of the evening's best IT-themed commercial. That would be Tom Brady, now the only four-time Super Bowl MVP ... ever, and also a versatile brand spokesman.

Yeah, we know, there were lots of commercials, for lots of different things. We don't care about soda (or beer), cars, and Transformers: The Last Knight, however, beyond their obvious practical applications — things like, respectively, quenching thirst, driving to work, and killing brain cells.

Nope, what gets us excited is IT. And certifications, of course. Since there will probably never be a Super Bowl ad for the likes of CISSP or CCIE, however, we have to get our kicks out of celebrating the clever pitches for computer and internet products and services.

We counted five during last night's game. (Your mileage may vary.) Here they are, ranked in order of awesomeness.

1) Intel advertises 360 Replay with Tom Brady

Swing pans haven't been this much fun since The Matrix. Intel zooms in on everyday moments in the life of one T. Brady, quarterback, New England Patriots, to pump up its 360 Replay technology. Best Moment: Brady beats his dog to a pancake that falls on the floor. Both hilarious and a rare illustration of the famed three-second rule in action.

Watch It Here

2) Google advertises Google Home with a little help from John Denver

John Denver tragically died in 1997, but his spirit lives on with this gentle invocation of "Take Me Home, Country Roads." Google goes for the heartstrings while pitching its versatile virtual assistant, Google Home. Best Moment: Did you know that Google Home can imitate whalesong? If only Captain Kirk had gotten that pro tip in time for Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home.

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3) Squarespace advertises website services with John Malkovich

This one's a little bit too reliant on a certain harsh expletive to pass up Google and Intel in our rankings. Although we gotta admit that A-list Hollywood crank/eccentric John Malkovich does that thing he does with impressive flair. Best Moment: The sign-off at the very end of the commercial. It's a "Celebrities — they're just like us" grace note that Malkovich totally nails.

Watch It Here

4) GoDaddy does something completely different

Style points for the domain services provider, which began its corporate existence by fake scandalizing Super Bowl advertising executives with racy, Hooters-esque shout-outs to the lowest common denominator — they've grown up. On the other hand, this hodgepodge of wink-nods and nudge-nudges doesn't really add up to anything. Best Moment: Cats on Roombas��.

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5) Mobile Strike advertises itself with Arnold Schwarzenegger

The battle tactics game app turns to one of the cinema's baddest hombres to send players a message. Or a couple of them. Arnold Schwarzenegger utters legendary one liners ... but surely there were more than just three that would have worked here? Best Moment: Probably when the Governator tells a toy soldier to, "Get to the chopper."

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About the Author

Certification Magazine was launched in 1999 and remained in print until mid-2008. Publication was restarted on a quarterly basis in February 2014. Subscribe to CertMag here.

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