Articles by: 

Nenad Dumanovic

Speak up for your certs: What employers may not know can hurt you

As the field of IT becomes more competitive, having the right certifications is becoming increasingly important. Without the right credentials, distinguishing yourself ...

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Study on the fly: Finding time in a busy schedule for certification

Whether you're a proven veteran with 20 years of experience under your belt or just starting out, it's no secret that an IT career can be quite demanding and time consuming. ...

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Six certifications to boost your web design skills

In 2016, it's essentially impossible to have a business of any sort and not have a website. For many if not most consumers, a website serves as the primary means ...

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10 Household items that are already part of the Internet of Things

As the internet, mobile phones, and electronics in general become embedded into virtually every facet of our lives, connectivity between devices and the additional layer of functionality ...

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After 20 years, the Java phenomenon just keeps going

This year marks the 20th anniversary of one of the most widely-used programming languages in computing: Java. Given how prolific it continues to be ...

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Get set: How to study for your next certification exam

In the world of IT, certifications are indispensable for demonstrating your skills, competencies, and knowledge to employers. ...

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Step up your IT game by sharpening your soft skills

Technical prowess, creative thinking, and the ability and willingness to keep up with rapid technological change are universally accepted values that IT professionals ...

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Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert (MCSE) a versatile career credential

The Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert (MSCE) credential is one of the most sought after and popular certifications in the IT sector. A staple ...

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